Lisa dingle posing in the nude


Registered User
Finally caught up with Emmerdale last night, 2 weeks of it sitting on the Sky+Planner.

Lisa Dingle has been paid £200 (<--I think) for posing in an art class in the nip. Hilarious. She's quite a corpulent woman and we agreed funny yet good story line. A different way to feed your family at an expensive time.

I was asked would I do it. Would I what, for 200 smackers an hour - you maybe sure if it I would.

So would any other posters here pose in the nip for an art class ONLY?
Yeah I probably would, if no one I knew was in the class.
My sister went to art college and drew and painted nudes quite a lot and she said it's no big deal and certainly not in anyway sexual.
I'm too much of a fidget though. I don't think I could stay still.
I'd do it purely for the money.. while im no oil painting im no Madra either... sitting still lol what if I got cold, bad things happen when you get cold LMAO
And using the cold is no excuse...

I guess breaking news along the lines of:

"Caveat abducted during the night and subjected to bizarre enforced genital reduction operation only days before posing nude for art class"

would cut no ice either?
Bizarre = this and the Eastenders thread where we are being treated to a blow-by-blow update on the storyline, dramatis personae, history and the similarities between it and other non-soaps by avowed non-watchers for whom irony seems to be a diet supplement.
I simply tend to not read the threads that bare little or no interest to me. you should try it sometime Mathepac

What are you on about? This thread is focussing (light heartedly) on one particular storyline in Emmerdale, the Eastenders thread is mainly people saying that they don't watch the soap any more and musing (again lightheartedly) on some of the ridiculous elements of the show from when they did watch it.
Both thread titles have clearly indicated what they are about so, as shootingstar says, ignore them if the subject matter is of no interest to you.