liposculpture is it any good


Registered User
A friend is interested in getting liposculpture done. You go to a beauticians and they do something to your belly 10 times over a couple of weeks and the belly is supposed to flatten a bit.
Does it work?
any experience of it out there?.

Sorry if it has been discussed before, my search didn't throw up any references to it.

Re: liposculpture is it anygood

Janey mac - I thought that this was going to be about making statues out of the fat sucked out during liposuction or something. A bit like the bars of soap in Fight Club! How disappointing....
As far as I know liposculpture is still a medical procedure...Its a slightly gentler version of liposuction..not quite as rough apparently but involves implements like knitting needles that dislodge the fat.....A friend of mine had it done in Oz...Unless theres another product in this part of the world with the same name.....

Wouldn't allow a beautician to do a massage never mind stick needles in me!!