Links of London jewellery


Registered User
Hey all, just wondering if any of you have used the website to buy Links of London jewellery
I presume they are fakes? But are they good fakes??
They are a lot cheaper than the shops!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a links bracelet with the heart but went off it a bit when I saw Maria and Kym Marsh in Cornation Street wearing the same one.

Personnlay I wouldn't touch it but I don't ever buy fakes (high street copies fine but not fakes).
Thanks for that Becky, I emailed them and asked if they were fakes but they said that they're not. They said that their products are directly from the factory and they sell online without shop rent, with fewer employees and hence can sell them for cheaper.
I'm not sure that i'd believe that they're not fakes though so just wondering if anyone has any experience with the website.

Some people hold these Links parties in their houses here in London as i was invited to one recently. Didnt buy anything as it is not for me, just went to be nosy. My friend loves this gear but apparently the Links goods are not the same as Tiffany. someone at the party mentioned that they were 80% real so in my book it is a good quality fake. My friend already has some of this jewellery (the real stuff) but decided she would rather pay the full whack for the real thing. i think Links is a bit chavvy to be honest but everyone to their own. My friend did mention that someone had bought her one of the Links necklaces years ago and it left a black ring around her neck which would indicate fake. I dont claim to be an expert but just passing my bit for what it is worth.
Cheers for all that mosstown. I like the Links sweetie bracelet but there's a huge price difference between the shops and that website. I might just get one off the website and if i end up not wearing it much then at least i won't mind having not paid much for it! I have a Tiffany bracelet too which i love but would fancy a change sometimes!
Just wondered if you have been able to get on linksoflondononsale website today? as i keep getting internet explorer cannont display the website and its been saying that since last night
Hi kellymkelly, I was on it last night and this morning but since then I haven't been able to get on to it either.
Thanx for your reply I was on it last night to find out if my items had been dispatched as i made a purchase on sunday i was on the live chat then the website went down. I havent been able to get back on for nearly 24hrs now and my emails havent been answered im now hanging in limbo with the hope they will contact me
Oh that's a pain, hopefully they might just be having some technical issues! Let us know how you get on, fingers crossed you will hear something soon! Is it your first time buying from them?
just tried the site for you from my computer here in London and no joy as at 9.30pm ish tonight.
Hi kellymkelly, just to let you know I can get on the website now so you might be able to contact them now to see what the story is with your order! Good luck!
Website is registered in China, so you can be 100% sure you are getting cheap fake illegal products ordering from this site.

Would you really expect someone sellign counterfeit goods to admit to the fact?
Hi Leo, no I wouldn't expect them to admit it. I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences with them. Gonna get one in BT's anyway.
Thanks, Rebel
Website is registered in China, so you can be 100% sure you are getting cheap fake illegal products ordering from this site.

If indeed you receive anything at all.
There are a number of different sites pretending to be selling the real Links of London jewellery, and of the ones I checked all are registered in China.

I think its fairly obvious if a particular branded item is being sold at a fraction of the price that you would pay an authorised seller - its a fake.
Hi Leo, no I wouldn't expect them to admit it. I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences with them. Gonna get one in BT's anyway.
Thanks, Rebel

That site was only set up in the last few days. Chances are it'll disappear as quickly along with whatever money anyone was gullible enough to send them.

I see they only accept PayPal as payment, another warning sign along with the spelling errors on the site, the lack of contact details, etc..
Hi Leo, I didn't look into any of those details regarding payment, contact details etc. I'm going to London for the weekend now so i'll get a real one when i'm over there. Anyway thanks for the comments.
Hi Rebel2008, sorry, I wasn't suggesting that you were in any way gullible here, I was just pointing it out for the benefit of other posters who may be tempted.
Oh i know you weren't Leo. I just meant that i hadn't even gone so far as looking into those details which i would have done if i was going to buy from them. But i'm not going to buy from them now because they sound a bit dodgy. Cheers, Rebel