Linking Satellite cable to CAT5 cable


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My house is wired with CAT5 from every room in house back to a central point. I am considering installing a satellite dish (I currently have aerial) and was wondering if I brought the cable from the satellite to the central point, would it be possible to link the satellite cable to the CAT5 cable and then stream the signal to each room, where I could then install a receiver?
Just my 2 cents worth. I don't know about linking the cables. However each receiver needs a separate input on the satellite dish as the receiver sends a current to the LNB. So four receivers spread around various rooms in the house will need to be connected to a quad LNB up at the dish. Or eight receivers need an octo LNB.
Short answer is NO, for many reasons, not least what "Hansov" said above.

Also signals from LNB's MUST travel along a coaxial cable, of a standard impedance,usually 75ohm, such as RG6 or Sat100 etc... and will suffer unacceptable losses if made to run through twin twisted cabels such as Cat5.
The answer is no, not even with 2-5K equipment!

Sat signal goes up to 2100 MHz and Cat5 can only carry 250 MHz, MAYBE 500 MHz. So there is no way to pipe native Sat signal down Cat5. It is like driving a 4 meter wide truck through a 1 meter walkway.

Option would be to get feed from Sat LNB to a central area, a Sat Multiswitch there with all receivers there and taking the RF signal from the Sat receiver modulate onto a lower frequency and pipe through CatX