Limestone fireplace


Registered User
have checked other threads and didn't find any answers to what I want to know so here goes .......

I want to install a limestone fireplace in our sitting room - the overall look I am after for our house is light, bright "New England" type style! So I asked a fireplace guy last week about having the limestone fireplace with hearth installed - we have 3ftx3ft opening. He said that we would need to really think of granite inserts if the actual fireplace doesnt fit the opening exactly and also that the limestone hearth would be almost impossible to keep clean and wouldn't ware well!

At this point my heart broke because I have done the black granite fireplace, the cast iron, and to be honest I just dont like wood surrounds!

So if I want a totally cream fireplace with hearth what am I to do - marble?? But then I am not going to get a raw kind of look with that am I?

If anyone has a limestone hearth can you let me know how you manage?? I am not a bit afraid of cleaning so if its just a matter of doing that everyday so be it but I suppose I dont want it to look mank down the road either!

Hi Aimee, I would have thought that you could have a limestone fireplace with a granite or brick inner surround. We have a cream coloured granite fireplace with brick inner surround and also have a cast iron fireback and bottom, which catches the worst of the blackening. I've not had any problem with the granite- just brush off the ashes once cold or hoover what comes out over the iron/brick.
Vanilla said:
Hi Aimee, I would have thought that you could have a limestone fireplace with a granite or brick inner surround. We have a cream coloured granite fireplace with brick inner surround and also have a cast iron fireback and bottom, which catches the worst of the blackening. I've not had any problem with the granite- just brush off the ashes once cold or hoover what comes out over the iron/brick.

Hey Vanilla, the brick idea sounds nice - what colour brick do you guys have? Just thought too, doh, a creamy granite or maybe a marble, if needs be, hearth - would that look daft?? I'm trying to picture it here and it aint working

This is what I dont want

This is what I do want

best way I can explain it I suppose!

Maybe I should just go for the entire limestone effect and suffer the consequences :rolleyes:
[broken link removed]

My brother has just installed a limestone fireplace - he didn't receive the warning that you got. Are you going to light the fire regularly? Are you going to have a real fire or gas fire? Sounds like you met an "old-school" guy who is thinking of the big mark up on a nice marble fireplace. Tripp are the main suppliers in Ireland and should be able to confirm if what your supplier is saying is correct.
Looks nice. Our fireplace was handmade, but I know you can source them ready made, its just that we wanted specific dimensions. So basically the entire surround is solid cream coloured granite and the interior is a red brick. I believe the brick comes in different colours. Then on top of the red brick we have a cast iron fireback and base and raised grate. But you can also have a darker colour granite interior too.
we will be having a real fire and will be lighting it regularly Nov through to Mar I suppose and the odd cold night here and there, - will check around with others to see what they say but I mean if these fireplaces are out there for sale, how bad can they be???? Maybe i am being naive by saying that but I just dont know - guess I will be able to tell you guys by December this year! :D
Hi found attached on a website.

We have a stone fireplace and slate hearth. Never, ever, ever again.

The slate is impossible to keep, scratches easily and shows the dust no matter how often you clean it. And this is with a gas fire. The thought of trying to maintain a real fine doesn't bear thinking about.

OUr next door neighbours had a real fire and the stone just look burned.

The stone fireplace is very porous, stains and looks grubby after only five years. You have to keep it sealed. You can't put a coffee cup down on the mantle as the stain won't come out. They are labour intensive. The problem is that you know what you can and can't do but do visitors to your house? Mine didn't, hence the big ugly coffee stain on the mantle.

I was a bit over the top looking after it at first but then decided to hell, you have to live and I certainly don't want people coming to my home feeling they can't move..

Anyway that's only my experience. Found below, might give you a few pointers.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Limestone is a natural material, and as such, is inherently variable in shade and colour. No guarantee can be given that the product will be uniform, or indeed the same colour as depicted in the showroom or in samples.

Customer Care

Limestone is extremely porous and therefore liable to stain. Always ensure that limestone surfaces or fireplaces are sealed with a specialist product before use. The sealing process should be carried out at regular intervals, say twice a year; to ensure the limestone is protected. Always use specialist limestone cleaning products for stain removal or simple cleaning and maintenance.
yeuckssss! Back to the drawing board I think - can't spend every waking day worrying about a fireplace me thinks! Cheers for that, answers my question 100% ;)