Limerick - Old Cork Road


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I'm interested in purchasing a property on the Old Cork Road. I have heard from one person that this is considered to be a 'bad' area in Limerick. I know o'malley park is nearby, however this property is a 5 minute drive away.
I would be interested in other people's opinion about this area in Limerick.

Any advice/opinion is appreciated!

wouldn't be considered great, but improved a lot when the through road from o'malley park was closed years ago, maybe that's what still lingers.

still not a great area, if you're looking at the houses near the industrial estate, but nothing seriously wrong with it either, the newer estate on the outer edge seem fine, and pretty cheap too.

I think once you get a mile or two out the road towards Ballyneety it is a much nicer area, with some v.nice properties.

Access to the new road is a plus there too.
Thank you so much for your response. I'm actually looking at the Derrynane estate. I wonder if that's the one you are refering to by 'newer estate'.
I haven't been out that way in a while, but there was a newer estate just before the Amber petrol station(probably 3-5 yr old by now), if that's the one, then yes, seems fine in there, and the houses inside are pretty much what you get all over the city outskirts, with decent gardens too.

georgian village before that is a decent estate too, and a bit cheaper, I haven't heard of any huge social problems, although pedestrian access to O'Malley is still possible from the parrallel road(turn right then left at the industrial estate), near the soccer club. Check that out and you'll have seen the worst of it, really only a handfull of corpo houses even face onto this parallel road.

hope this helps...

for that it's worth, I'm surprised these houses aren't more, given access to the new road...

one proviso, you really only have one local secondary school, check it out if it applies, not sure on its academic record....
not a problem if you can bring kids to city center schools etc though
Again, thank you for your response. This is really helpful to me.

The housing estate before the Amber petrol station is the one I'm refering to. They are building a few more houses there at the moment (Derrynane) in addition to the ones you mentioned (3-5 years old).
From viewing the houses and driving around the area it seemed like a safe and quiet area to live in.

Thanks again!
no problem

and enjoy the new location if you decide to go for it.

do go up around the back of the industrial estate before you decide, just to have all the info.

I forgot one last thing, beside the industrial estate, opposite G village, there's a cemetery, just so you know in case you wouldn't like to live near one. ( the access if from the far side though)

enjoy limerick Val