Lights on during the day


Registered User
Driving around especially the last few days in the bad weather, why are so many oblivious to turning on lights?

Not to help you see, but to make you more visible.

I know a lot of new cars have daylight running lights.
they don't light the rear lights.

How do you indicate to someone to turn on lights?????
It is quite the opposite during the night, with the crowd driving around with the permanently on fog lights and/or full beams and/or at least one broken headlight.
I hate the ones who use the spot lights instead of the head lights. They could make it compulsory to use lights, but like most of our traffic laws it wouldn't be enforced and if it was there'd be uproar.
Is it green to used the lights? you are not getting the energy for nothing, I recon I lose 4 mpg with all the lights on. That's not to say you should not use the lights in bad weather, there is a balance here somewhere.
It's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned.

As regards green, isn't most of the energy for the lights generated from the motion of the veh-hicle?
It's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned.

As regards green, isn't most of the energy for the lights generated from the motion of the veh-hicle?

Not really, it is generated from the battery/alternator, which is fed from the engine and ultimately from the fuel.
I would rather be seen and stop an accident than green.

Exactly - one of my real pet hates is drivers with either spot lights on (pointless) or no lights on. These days it even happens when the heaviest of downpours are taking place.