Lights at Kill on the N7


Registered User
The Kill interchange on the N7 is now open - that was good news all those years of pain caused by those lights at Kill would end - or so I thought. The darn things are still on and this seems to be deliberate. They were off for one day and my journey was 20 minutes shorter. I realise it is for another short period of time, but does anyone know why they are still switched on and turning red, when there is no right trun any more and access to Kill village is closed?

I wrote to Kildare Council to ask, but no response.
The light run red automatically every few minitues even though no one may be crossing the road

Seems crazy. Why not change the lights so that a pedestrians can manually press a button to change the lights. Is it the intension to build a bridge for pedestrians?
They are in the process of buildling a pedestrian bridge but won't be ready till end of may..........
Seems mad to me too but I suppose if I lived in Kill & wanted to cross the road to get a bus I might be a bit put out at trying to dodge traffic!
Even with the lights I wouldnt feel too safe tyring to cross there now with all the construction & as you say with people ignoring the lights.

I just keep thinking that in a couple of months it will all be over...........and then will just get stuck at Newlands cross instead!
Yesterday evening when I came through the lights (no stopping) there was a long tailback beside the ambassador where traffic was coming out from kill, maybe the lights are going red to let this traffic out.,anyone agree.