Lighting Expert or specialist.


Registered User
I am at the initial stages of wiring my house. However i want to ensure i put the lighing in the correct locations in my house. I am wondering does anyone know or heard of a lighting specialist who can show me where to put lights for maximum effect. I know that some of the large lighting compaines have these peope who can recommend where to put lights, however their opinion my be pitched from a sales point of view.
I am looking for an independent person to do this. i dont want to be in a situation that in a years time i will be saying 2i should of put floor lighting in that corner or in that ceiling. also, i am looking at the GU 10 spotlights, and it looks like you can get energy efficient ones that can also be dimmed. what about the Megaman GU10's. are they good quality. I do not want to be replacing bulbs every month.

for the Lighting specialist I live in the North west.
