Light bulbs blowing in new house



Hi All,

A query for anyone with electrical knowledge or a similar experience.

I've recently moved into a new house and it is blowing light bulbs at an alarming rate. The bulbs may not be the greatest quality and I am wondering if it is down to the bulbs themselves or possibly an electrical issue ?

I want to use the energy saving lightbulbs but not if the current rate of blowing at least one per night continues !

My two cents worth is apparently cheaper bulbs blow a lot quicker when I changed to more expensive ones it helped
I have a contact who is a sparks with the ESB and when I had initial problems (although not as bad as your situation I'd say) with this in our new house he asked me where the nearest substation was- which was about 20m away! Voltages can be somewhat higher when you are near the supply sub and a quick test with a multimeter can usually confirm this pretty easily, some deviation is allowable but the ESB are obliged to ensure that voltage is kept within a certain range to protect electrical equipment from damage. This problem seemed to settle down after a awhile, probably as additional loads were connected to the sub over the years. I would suggest you ask an electrician to measure the typical voltage at a power socket- it should now be an average of 230V (not 220V anymore apparently). If significant deviation is evident contact ESB Supply- they may send out a special meter which will record voltage on a paper printout for analysis.
Thanks for the input lads, I'll have my friendly electrician to have a look into it.
