Lifting Old Carpet

Old Jim

Registered User
I am looking for advice on ways to remove an old carpet. The problem is that it is glued down and is proving very difficult to lift. Are there any tools available to assist in this task. I have very sore hands today and only got about 20% of the carpet lifted!
Joe: What you need is an incentive . Did any old-rich uncle or aunt ever live in and hide money in the house? I know I'd get that carpet up pretty quick if there was.

Seriously though I think it may be "blood, sweat and tears" and some type of scraper that will get this carpet up.
I had to take up a carpet last week that was glued down - I used a large chisel shaped thingy and wedged it under the carpet and stood on it! Sounds crude, but it worked - got the carpet up in about 45 mins and didn't break one fingernail!
Thanks delgirl, I think that is my best course of action alright. I need a lever of sorts to give me a mechanical advantage over my bare hands. If I had fingernails to speak off, I would have them all broken last night!
I'm in the same boat myself. I got down on my hands and knees the other night with a sharp knife and tried to cut in strips as recommended by the Carpet crowd but I got exhausted after lifting only a small section. The floor scraper looks good but could be physically hard work too. Would it be unheard of to carpet over the existing carpet?
Encountered this same problem a while back. Very tough job. Found that using something akin to a log to roll the loose carpet over and pull the stuck part behind (if you see what I mean) helped loosen large chunks.
Best of luck. I dont envy you the task.
Had the same thoughts myself Ribena
Got all the carpet up last night anyway. Bought a 2ft long nail bar to lever the carpet up. It wasn't easy but probably the only way to do it. Took about 3 hours overall.
Thanks for all the suggestions.