Life Insurance - never had before


Registered User
Hi there,

I want to arrange Life Insurance for myself and DH as we are due our 3rd child soon and just want something in place. We are both in mid 30's with no health problems and non smokers.

We have Mortgage Protection with our Mortgage provider but for good reasons do not want to change that and include it with the above.

Can anyone give me some pointers where to start - we have never had life insurance before, will I get a better deal asking our House Insurer or should I treat it as a separate item altogether?

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.
You should shop around. You can get some indicative quotes online from the various websites mentioned in other threads. Maybe consider going through a broker with as wider a range of agencies as possible.
You can get an online quote from labrokers or from tescofinance for straight forward term assurance ie payout made on first death.I've dealt with labrokers several times and found them efficient operators and would have no hesitation recommending them - the first years premium is often heavily discounted too. Tesco sell Hibernian products and while they are price competitive I found Hibernian very slow to deal with.
I've dealt with labrokers several times and found them efficient operators and would have no hesitation recommending them - the first years premium is often heavily discounted too.
Another vote from me for They also offer an additional discount to Askaboutmoney users — see .
i would suggest getting a good serious illness policy in place for both of you, see about hospital cover also (if you are in hosp more than 3 nights you get €xx per night over the 3). ... hosp cover can be expensive but def worth looking into...
It's worth while attempting an estimate of how much cover you actually need, before seeking quotes. You can get a broker to do this, or have a go yourself. MSN have a free estimator here - it's American but will give you an idea of the sort of things you need to be looking at. Remember to discount your mortgage as it's covered elsewhere. Check also if you have life assurance cover in your place of work as part of a pension scheme.
If either of you are self-employed, in employment and not a member of a pension scheme or have a PRSA through work with no Death-in Service benefit, you might also think about 'Self-Employed Term Insurance' as it may be more tax efficient.