life assurance problem


Registered User
Im looking for some advice. I have applied for life assurance for my mortgage through My Life brokers. The company that they are using is New Ireland. I had kidney stones two weeks ago and had a minor procedure to have them removed. I have the all clear from both the hospital and my GP(I only spent one night in hospital). I told them about this on my proposal form. I didn't want to take a chane and not tell them. As expected they asked me for a copy of my discharge form from the hospital and a short letter from my GP to say that everything is fine now and that it was very minor procedure etc. I called My Life today(unfortunately there is no point waiting for them to call you because they never do) and they informed me that New Ireland have now requested a more detailed form to be completed by my GP. I'm getting a bit worried now. Is this normal practice? Surely they couldn't turn you down for something as minor as kidney stones. Am I overreacting. Or is there maybe a chance that they may increase the premium from what I was originally quoted. Any views on this would be much appreciated
It is quite common for insurance companies to refer back to doctors for further information. It doesn't necessarily mean anything sinister - just that they didn't get all the information they were looking for the first time around, or that the doctor gave an answer that prompted a further question.

Kidney stones alone will rarely be the cause of a rejection of a life assurance application, unless there are other health issues as well.
thanks for that I feel a bit more at ease now. I have never had any health issues at all apart from this
It's standard practice to ask for what they call a PMA (just asking for details of your condition) if it was minor and the doctor assurs you then you have nothing to worry about. I suspect they wont charge more but it is possible. They generaly charg slightly higher premiums for high blood pressure, cholestreol etc......I wouldnt worry...

I would imagine the request for further info is just needed for clarification especially as it was a recent procedure ie if their query was in relation to your kidney stones operation. If it was I wouldn't be overly concerned.

They may also be looking for further clarification on another matter. If so and if you are concerned you could ask your broker to push for an answer from the life assurance company. It might set your mind at rest.