Life Assurance Help??



Hi I am new to this site and would appreciate some assistance. My Mum sadly passed away recently and her life assurance policy was very little if almost non exsistant!! It has come to my attention through my father that monies paid into their policies for a number of years were stolen by an employee who was at the time a door to door collector. My parents were too quiet to complain but I do believe that there were other people who had their monies stolen too. I believe that the person in question still works for the company. Do you think it possible that I would still be able to take legal action against this person and the company involved??
I am really annoyed because my Mum was a very quiet and unassuming lady who was completely scammed out of the small policies she had for to pay for her funeral expenses etc. We have really struggled for to give her a dignified buriel whilst the person in question is now working in a very comfortable position within the same company.
You should report this matter to the company concerned immediately. And if you have the smallest amount of proof to the Gardai. If the company ignores you then to the Financail Services Ombudsman.
Unfortunately this happened in the early 1990's but I do have the books marked down as paid when in fact the monies were never given to the company!!! Am I fighting a lost cause?? I only want what is rightfully my Fathers now!