Life assurance declined


Registered User

Need some advice, A client of mine has been declined life assurance, she is a single applicant and the mortgage company will not waive life -

She was declined on the basis of height / weight with no general medical conditions -

Is there any company that would look at this - i havent approached them all but need to find out who would be the most flexible in terms of height / weight


I have found Caledonian to be the most flexible when it comes to underwriting. They will usually load an excess BMI case but rarely decline, unless there are additional problems (hereditary heart problems for example). If you contact their UW department they will give you a good idea of how things will go before submitting.

I found Caledonian to be completly inflexible in my personal case and wouldnt recommend them. I did get Hibernian to take me on and would recommending getting a good broker to ring the underwriting departments to put the particular scenario to them as in the case of my broker.
Obestiy is a problem.

Underwriters look for factors affecting longevity. If a condition could reduce the expectation of life then they can charge an additional premium or refuse cover.

If a persons height / weight ratio or BMI are seriously out of proportion to the recommended guidelines then this will have implications for a persons health and the potential for a claim.

Rather than increase everyone elses premium it is the person with the condition or medical condition who pays the increased premium or who is refused cover.

It is not discrimination for an insurance company to offer special terms or to refuse cover if it is justified by actuarial or other statistical or medical evidence.
My granny was denied life insurance at the age of 21 for being overweight.
That was 1932...
She died as predicted of a heart 89 years old,
living independently and having all her faculties.

She often commented on all the money she saved on that policy over the years!...When she died she was scoffing a rhubarb tart and ice cream. She had warned us she wanted to be buried with ham eggs and bananas.

Hope your client beats the odds this way too!