Myself, and my wife are in our early thirties, we have 2 kids, 1 a teenager, and one younger. We currently have life assurance via a "Total Care" policy with New Ireland Assurance.
We are covered for Life Cover (mortgage amount), critical illness (20k), and also children are covered.
To be honest I don't even fully understand all the in's and out's of it, but we have had this policy for 2 years, and at the time obtained it via a broker who said this was like the "Rolls Royce" of policies.
It's only costing at the moment just over 70euro a month, however I was just wondering what folks thought, in terms of the policy or if I should be looking at something else?
Advice welcome.
We are covered for Life Cover (mortgage amount), critical illness (20k), and also children are covered.
To be honest I don't even fully understand all the in's and out's of it, but we have had this policy for 2 years, and at the time obtained it via a broker who said this was like the "Rolls Royce" of policies.
It's only costing at the moment just over 70euro a month, however I was just wondering what folks thought, in terms of the policy or if I should be looking at something else?
Advice welcome.