I have recently been in contact with a fire extinguisher service company. I was also going to buy some extinguishers from them. But then I noticed that LIDL were selling 6KG powder extinguishers, for less than half the price... 27 Euro, rather than 60 Euro.
So I bought several from LIDL.
Now my fire extinguisher service company claims that nobody in Ireland will service a LIDL extinguisher. The reason they give isn't convincing.. something to do with IS 291, which is a Irish Standard for extinguisher maintainence.
But the manufacturers standard is EN3, which LIDL comply with, and also PED 23,, for pressure vessels, again LIDL comply. The same marks appear on both the LIDL extingusihers, and existing ones I already have... and no additional marks appear on the non-LIDL ones.
My point is that the extinguisher service companies can't tell the difference between a LIDL extinguisher, and another one, as the marks are the same on both.. yet they refuse to service the LIDL ones.. (apparently, according to one service company, who do refuse, and who are prepared to speak for all companies on this issue)
Has anyone come across this?
Where can I download the Irish Standards? I can't find them on Google. Does the European standard, EN3, specify that extinguishers must be serviceable?
I have recently been in contact with a fire extinguisher service company. I was also going to buy some extinguishers from them. But then I noticed that LIDL were selling 6KG powder extinguishers, for less than half the price... 27 Euro, rather than 60 Euro.
So I bought several from LIDL.
Now my fire extinguisher service company claims that nobody in Ireland will service a LIDL extinguisher. The reason they give isn't convincing.. something to do with IS 291, which is a Irish Standard for extinguisher maintainence.
But the manufacturers standard is EN3, which LIDL comply with, and also PED 23,, for pressure vessels, again LIDL comply. The same marks appear on both the LIDL extingusihers, and existing ones I already have... and no additional marks appear on the non-LIDL ones.
My point is that the extinguisher service companies can't tell the difference between a LIDL extinguisher, and another one, as the marks are the same on both.. yet they refuse to service the LIDL ones.. (apparently, according to one service company, who do refuse, and who are prepared to speak for all companies on this issue)
Has anyone come across this?
Where can I download the Irish Standards? I can't find them on Google. Does the European standard, EN3, specify that extinguishers must be serviceable?