Libya - Another murdering tyrant bites the dust


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Watching incredible footage from Libya as Tripoli starts to fall. Two of Gaddafi 's sons in custody. Apparently two South Afican jets are rumoured to be on the runway of Tripoli airport, presumably to whisk the tyrant away. But there is questions about whether he'll leave or not, or if he is even in Tripoli.

Syria next. I hope these murdering butchers get the justice they so richly deserve.
I'm just listen to the irish and british media this morning and it is interesting how they refer to Gadiffi now that he is gone. I have heard phrases like "Tyrant" "Evil dictator" and his "reign of terror is coing to an end".
Isn't it funny how for the past 42 years he was just refered to as the Lybian leader and the british government were happy to give him the Lockerbie bomber only last year.
But what do we know about the rebels?
They are no angels either

Will they welcome NATO support now and in a few years start cursing the West for interference?
But what do we know about the rebels?
They are no angels either

Will they welcome NATO support now and in a few years start cursing the West for interference?

A lot of the provisonal gov't are academics. Ghadaffi brooked no opposition, so there isn't an alternate gov't in waiting or even the structures needed. It will be a complete revamp. Libya is mostly a tribal society, this may prove quite difficult in setting up a new system.

But it is very unlikely to be worse than Ghadaffi, and likely to be much better. Libya is rich. It has a population of 5/6 million and tons of high grade oil. One can only wish them well, they have suffered terribly in the past.

I hope Libya will now give inspiration to Syria and Yemen, and we can see an end to the lot of these headcases.
Isn't it funny how for the past 42 years he was just refered to as the Lybian leader

Blair & Brown's labour government may well have embraced Gaddafi, but Reagan & Thatcher certainly didn't when they bombed Libya in 1986.

and the british government were happy to give him the Lockerbie bomber only last year.
Scottish government in 2009
Lets be honest, tyrants only bite the dust when the powers that be in the West want them to.

Other tyrants are allowed to stay in their position.

Was Gaddafi not once heralded as a friend by Tony Blair? And not that long ago?

I wonder what changed?
How the hell have the rebels not killed hundreds with all their shooting in the air! It's actually dangerous now. These are not soldiers so will be interesting to see what order the leaders can impose. Amazing scenes to watch. I reckon Assad is sleeping a little less easier tonight.
Lets be honest, tyrants only bite the dust when the powers that be in the West want them to.

Other tyrants are allowed to stay in their position.

Was Gaddafi not once heralded as a friend by Tony Blair? And not that long ago?

I wonder what changed?

Well Tunisia, Egypt,Morocco,Yemen and Syria have all had popular uprisings. Only Libya has recieved direct military aid from the West. And the West's aid was sorely needed, and generally honourable , even if part of the reason is oil.

Morocco has had some major concessions from the King to quell the uprisings. Assad in Syria is a dead man walking, and it's unlikely Yemen will return to it's former state. Yemen is probably the most dangerous from an Al Queda perspective, and also that it's likely to spill over into Saudi Arabia.

Bahrain's revolt was brutally repressed by a Saudi invasion, but the revolt is merely prosponed, not ended. Saudi Arabia has bought off the opposition for now, but again, I think this is a sticking plaster, and change will come eventually.
A few years ago I had the misfortune of working for the Libyan oil company, big mistake, the condition and accommodations in the desert were dreadful, I stood it for a month because they had my passport, I came home bitten by bed bugs.