Libya and the International Community


Registered User
How long do you think it will be before the West is bending over backwards to buy oil and attract investment after Gadaffi finishes slaughtering his own people? Did they ever stop I suppse.

Also, is there a more useless organisation than the UN? Makes our Seanad look indispensable.

And when will other Arab Countries in that region start playing their part if they don't want Western interference.
Very good questions there. My guess is that the west hasn't stopped sucking up to Gadaffi at all. There is a whole load of talk about embargos and no-fly zones, but that is all it is, talk. I bet there are plans in place to help out with getting oil production back up to capacity as soon as he eliminates the rebellion.

As for whether there is a more useless organisation than the UN, I think it would be very hard to find one. I read a very interesting book a few years ago by Linda Polman named "We did nothing". A short by very eye opening account on what the UN actually can achieve within its own rules. My last bit of faith in the UN was destroyed through the WHO's handling of the swine flue "crisis" and the total and utter unfounded and needless fear mongering they embarked on.