Liberty Asset Management Flagship Fund

G123 said:
newspaper 'experts'

"There are two kinds of investment experts, the ones who don't know what the market is going to do and the ones who don't know, they don't know"
that's a fair point- even we on this forum practise some sort of self-censorship but there's seemingly little redress in the press, anyway back to topic. I'd ask how much is the capital guarantee worth from friends first. Aren't they part of eureko? so they're rated at A- by S&P and anyway if they're that good at picking managers, why do you need the guarantee?
kellyiom said:
I'd ask how much is the capital guarantee worth from friends first. Aren't they part of eureko? so they're rated at A- by S&P and anyway if they're that good at picking managers, why do you need the guarantee?

I'd agree. When I see the words "capital guarantee" and "100 % participation" I get a bit suspicious. It means that they are not actually physically locking in your guarantee through the purchase of a zero coupon bond for example. They are simply underwriting it with a financial institution rated A- (4th lowest investment grade rating) and charging you for the privilage. I would ask them exactly how much they were charging for this and if there is collateral involved.