Letting agent or rent property out myself


Registered User
I will be renting my house in Drimnagh in a month.

I'm moving down the country.

Its a three bedroom place I think i can get €1,500 a month for it.

Should I get a letting agent to rent it out for me as I'm moving to the west and don't want to be traveling up to Dublin every time there is a problem.

Or are letting agents to expensive?
I would use a letting agent, it is different of you are living within the vacinity but because you are moving I would suggest a letting agent.

They are expensive but you your property is going to be maintained, you know the money will be received every month, and valuable references are gained.

Letting agents also take pictures of articles in you house and list out everything portable such as kettle, microwave etc. ensuring that when tenants move out they will all still be there and intact!!
I would do the letting myself..

Most tenants are decent hard working individuals who will respect a good house at a fair price.

Letting agents are not psychologists. u can get a contract drawn up and vet the potential tenants yourself. You just need to be professional at the outset and set down the ground rules. There will be some repairs - but do u know a hanyman in the area who would do repairs (if the house is in reasonable condition there should not be too many repairs in any given let.

Just because u have a letting agent does not guarantee that the rent will be paid. If a tenant defaults on a letting agent what can they do? They will phone you and ask you to get your solicitor on the case.

Renting a property always involves some risk. IMO u will be much more cautious and measured about who u let your house to than an agent..

Best of Luck...
excellent responce sidzez. you make a hell of a lot sense. Decided it for me. Very measured. Cheers. I think i will do the renting out myself.