Letting agency hassle


Registered User
Moving out of my apartment this week.
The agency asked us last week if they could do a viewing the next day .
No problems,Put away valuables etc. had the place sparkling and left them to it.
Got left a message today before lunch to say the agency wanted to do a viewing -called them up this afternoon when i checked messages and they told me they couldnt cancel the viewing at that stage. When I protested that we were facilitating their viewings as a courtesy and did not have to grant access they said that our contract revoked the right to exclusive access in the last 30 days and they dont even have to tell us if there is a viewing. They came in and showed people around -valuables were all over the place and the rooms are in a state with moving -

I googled and found on citizens advice the following

a lease cannot contain terms that contradict the legal rights of tenants and landlords. If this happens, your legal rights as a landlord or tenant supersede the terms in the lease. For example, landlords cannot enter the property at any time without seeking your permission. This is the case even where their right to enter the property at any time is stated in your lease

Any ideas on how I can stop the agency letting themselves in as they wish and also tips to ensure our deposit is returned as Im beginning to wonder if he'll keep it to 'punish' us .
we've had some problems with them not fixing things over the year washing machine broken for 2 months and some repairs were never carried out but we always paid rent on time and never had any complaints from agency.

Wonder why people don't want to rent?
Leave a rubber rat in the corner of the room?

Did you detail the problems you had in a letter?

Theres no reason to withhold the deposit is there?
Leave a rubber rat in the corner of the room?
Hee hee tempting

no I dont see a problem except for things not fixed -he did a viewing last week and had no problems,He was rung with most of the problems I emailed him myself but others tended to ring .
You could leave a large notice for prospective tenants to warn them as follows
'to would be tenants beware the agency who does viewings without tenants permission'