Letter requesting support in local election, no Party mentioned . .


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I received a letter asking for my vote in the local election. The candidate, a sitting county councilor, made no mention anywhere in the letter of Party affiliation. As expected, it turns out he's a FFer. I'm wondering if anyone else got similar a similar letter with a similar deliberate omission?
No, I haven't received any letters from Fianna Fail but I've noticed like everybody else that the Fianna Fail name on posters is very small. Also the local Fianna Fail lads have dropped the name of the party from their newspaper adds.
Haven't heard of this.

If it is a deliberate omission it shows utter contempt for the intelligence of the electorate and is cynical beyond belief. Capitalising on the personaility rather than party based focus of local elections I suppose but I can't believe anyone would vote for a face in a letter not knowing which party they represented :confused:
A few years ago, possibly 2002, there was an election campaign around the same time CJH was before the tribunal.

Whereas posters would normally be in the format


the ones for Sean Haughey in Dublin NC were in the format

If it is a deliberate omission it shows utter contempt for the intelligence of the electorate and is cynical beyond belief.
That's what I thought. I was just wondering if it was a solo run or was a widespread tactic. I always vote through the card and although the FF people will be very close to the bottom of my preferences this guy will be last of the FFer because of his letter.
Never got that but myself and husband got separate letters, both with our names on the front, in Seanad envelopes on Seanad notepaper from a member of Fine Gael ( who is a Senator) It was only on the second page that Fine Gael was mentioned. We did wonder if there was a possible misuse of resources going on there!
I received a letter asking for my vote in the local election. The candidate, a sitting county councilor, made no mention anywhere in the letter of Party affiliation. As expected, it turns out he's a FFer. I'm wondering if anyone else got similar a similar letter with a similar deliberate omission?

Got one of these letters in the door last week from a sitting councillor too, and he also forgot to mention that he was a Fianna Fail candidate in Dublin.

Very strange!!
I too got one of those letters, (a very patronising one at that) and not a single mention of any party. I presumed it was an independent candidate - until I saw one solitary poster with his name on it, and Fianna Fáil in tiny writing :p He now has others around the area, but they're black and white ones with 'Vote [himself] Number 1' on them.

I got a folded, printed flyer sent to me one day through the post, with no indication of the party on the outside of it. It was only when I unfolded it that I realised it was from FF. Sneaky lot! Straight to the shredder with that one :(
You would wonder if it is even strictly permissible to canvas for a vote and omit the party you are affiliated to - surely some sort of misrepresentation or something? It doesn't seem right to me.
... surely some sort of misrepresentation or something ...

Misrepresentation? From The Republican Party ? Surely not?

The local Sinn Fein candidate & canvassers took great glee in pointing out to me the attempts at anonymity by Biffo's buachaillí agus cailíní dána
I note that all of the councillors do not have any contact details on their leaflets.
I never heard of most of them, they all crawled out of the woodwork for the election and will disappear again.
Not being politically minded, why does a councillor have to be affiliated to a political party anyway, it’s not as if they are representing the government in the dail. Should they not be neutral for local issues?