A friend has received a letter from the above company, in relation to a large unsecured debt owed to a financial institution. The debt is on hold until January 2011. By on hold I mean that no repayments are being made, or due to be made and interest is being applied so debt is increasing. Cabot wish to know when the debtor is going to start paying back both capital and interest. Currently they cannot, are on social welfare and only asset is their home in negative equity. The debt is owed. Debtor needs an end to this. What will Cabot do, are they lawyers, from their website they do not seem to be anything other than debt collectors who have a lawyer available. Do they now own the debt? What is the best way to deal with it. Write a letter stating that the debtor will not be able to repay the debt? And let them take it from there. What will Cabot do next?