Let self employed help each other



Its this simple - Im S.E. with little or no rights. If same you employ me I employ you.- Hows that for the people of Ireland helping themselfs.We live in odd times, the self employed got the short end of the stick.I Dont want welfare just the right to be acknowledged as a HARD working Irish citizen- not thanks to be very very clear (Husband sole trader, hanging on by nails with my non existence help day in day out). Revenue states cant employ Wife or Children) above solution??
Self employed people do have rights to social welfare, albeit that they are fewer than employees. Self employed people also pay less social insurance than employed people.

Your suggestion is unlikely to be considered genuine employment, but if it were, then the employer would be paying employers PRSI, on top of the employees contribution to PRSI.

Alternatively self employed people could insure themselves with their profit, and would not need to engage in contrived schemes to try and get round the current system.

There is a strong argument however that self employed people should be brought further into the compulsory state insurance scheme, but expect higher contributions than the 4% self employed people pay at the minute if this is to happen.
Self employed people also pay less social insurance than employed people.

This is not true

The first €127 per week of an employee's salary is exempt from PRSI while it is not exempt for a self-employed person so a self-employed person will pay €264 more PRSI than an employee on the same level of income.

And in cases where the salary is less than €18,304 (€352 per week), the employee actually pays No PRSI at all while a self-employed person will pay €732
You're right DB74, self employed people who are low earners do pay more PRSI than their employed counterparts. As I said, there are good reasons to bring self employed people properly into the social insurance system, particularly the lower earners amongst them.
Apologies if I'm misinterpreting your post, but aren't you suggesting fraud?