Let go for one week. SW entitlement?


Registered User
I am in permanent work for the last three years but due to lack of business on my employers behalf we are all been let go for a one week period on the first week in August. I should be working 3 X 12hr shifts Thursday, Friday and Saturday that week. Bank holiday will not affect me! This shutdown could also happen in September for another week.

I was told that we could not claim for the first three days, the first time you sign on in a situation like this.

I would like clarification on this. How much am I entitled to? I have searched AAM and Google but found nothing,

Rgds B.
You will not get paid for the first three days of your claim to Jobseeker's but this should not deter you from claming for (i.e signign on at your local SW office) from the first day of unemployment. Has holiday pay accrued? You won't get paid for any such days either. Search www.welfare.ie for exact details/info.
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Also - if this is layoff time rather than people being let go permanently then, as far as I recall, certain employment benefits/entitlements carry over during this period or when you resume employment. This could be relevant in, say, the case of pension cover, future redundancy, PRSI cover (?) etc. etc. www.entemp.ie or www.employmentrights.ie might have something on this.

I have 1.5 days holidays accrued. Do you mean that i must use these before I can ger SW?
Not use them as in take leave (unless you want to). It means that you won't get SW payment for those two days as they are considered "days of employment" adn you're getting paid.
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