Lesbian couple - court case - what would you do?

Andrewa said:
Funny!! I knew I shouldn't have chosen that name. Clubman (seriously) - is it possible to change my user name at this stage??
Yes - if you can't do it yourself (probably not) then let me know what you want it changed to and I'll do it.
delgirl said:
You and who's a fella!
What a pair we'd make! Does any poster know how/if I can change my username to more closely reflect my sex!!!
I would find it pretty uncomfortable myself but would move away rather than object. I would find a hetero couple who were over amorous a bit uncomfortable if it was in my face!

Think that those blow up doll thingys would annoy me too as when I do get to go out for a drink don't like any racous behaviour (must be getting old!)
It wouldn't bother me but can't say that I wouldn't stare/keep peeking over the top of my glass. Simply because it's not something I'm used to seeing. Do know some gay people but none of them are close friends so I'm not used to seeing gay couples snogging (will be interested to see how many variations of kissing we see in this thread Like the sound of "pashing", what a great word!) and it would probably catch my eye alright. Which might well offend the people concerned.

Generally, I'd have a similar view to many above in that I don't really want to see any couples ..eh.. pashing near me while I'm trying to eat/drink.
So - is nobody doing to congratulate Andrewa on her sex change to Audrey?
I have to say I would feel quite uncomfortable with two guys kissing in front of me. Two girls maybe not. Although that would depend on what the girls looked like.

I'd say the OP's husband would have a different opinion if the two offending ladies were good looking girls as opposed to the two builders that took the case.
Ham Slicer said:
I'd say the OP's husband would have a different opinion if the two offending ladies were good looking girls as opposed to the two builders that took the case.
I'm glad you said that - that's what I thought when I saw them on the news last night!

I've spent a lot of time in gay bars and clubs in London, only because some of my friends were gay, and I wouldn't have a problem with gay or hetro couples kissing in a pub. If something's going on that I don't want to see, I just don't look.

My husband is really homophobic and wouldn't go anywhere near any of the bars I went to - maybe females are in general more tolerant than males?
I don't consider myself homophobic but I hate gay bars or any other places that take what amounts to a segregationist approach to catering for certain categories of people. Coincidentally for some reason (I'm sure somebody will suggest some! ) the number of propositions that I have received in bars and on the street etc. (not in gay bars or known homosexual cruising areas either) have been overwhelmingly from homosexual men rather than women - which was a bit disappointing to me personally but nothing that couldn't be dealt with through a polite refusal. Maybe it was my white ring that attracted attention?

It could have something to do with the leather trousers
My first post in the LOS section and its about lesbians.

Any couple wearing the face of each other is unpleasant to watch - hetero or homo. Whilst most men including myself like the idea in theory of a little girl on girl, this involves an Angelina Jolie type or two, not the two ladies causing the current debate. If all it was was a quick peck then the barman should have ignored it and gotten on with his job of serving pints.

I don't mind watching attractive people kissing.

I don't like seeing men kissing as I don't find men attractive. I switch off or fast forward a movie if it involves a male gay sex scene. I would probably switch it off if I saw "two female builders" kissing.

ClumMan said:

I hate gay bars or any other places that take what amounts to a segregationist approach to catering for certain categories of people

ClubMan I am surprised that you hate gay bars. It is absolutely normal for people of a similar interest to hang around each with each other.

Coincidentally for some reason ...the number of propositions that I have received in bars and on the street etc. ... have been overwhelmingly from homosexual men rather than women
The reason is that men, and males of all species as far as I know, tend to be more proactive in the mating game for very good evolutionary reasons.

In my youth, I was propositioned a few times on the street by gay men. I don't think that I have ever been propositioned on the street by a woman, other than in a strictly professinal capacity.

Brendan said:
I don't think that I have ever been propositioned on the street by a woman, other than in a strictly professinal capacity.
When did you start into the gigolo game?

My comment about gay bars and other arguably segregationist venues is simply my opinion. The same would apply to venues which were aimed at attracting most other cliques - e.g. specific age groups, golfers, specific races, pigeon fanciers etc. I prefer places that attract a mixed crowd. I prefer diversity over homogeneity. Maybe I'm homogenophobic?
RainyDay said:
Is that a regionalised colloquialism? Never heard it before.
No - it's straightforward Queen's English.