Leo Varadkar says bankers worse than the IRA

It's a bit headline grabbing all right, but I can see where he's coming from.
The impact of the banking crisis on the country will arguably be bigger.
On the other hand, no one has died (*).
(Indirectly, we may have more suicides, and cuts in the health service might have an impact).
Are we going to use the Offenses against the State Act against Seanie Fitz so?

That was originally introduced to combat the IRA. Dev had men hanged using that legislation
Not defending bank executives but are the political class in this country really in a position to start throwing terms like traitors at them. Plenty of them have been screwing the taxpayer for years and years.
not defending bank executives but are the political class in this country really in a position to start throwing terms like traitors at them. Plenty of them have been screwing the taxpayer for years and years.

He said they did more damage to the ECONOMY than the I.R.A.
Leo Varadkar is the Eamonn Dunphy of the Dail

Likes to come out with idiotic statements to get noticed
How much economic damage did the IRA do to the Republic of Ireland? I'd say it was not that much, so in that respect Leo is right.

The bankers have put the nation into debt which will be felt for a generation. The IRA did not do that, economically of course.
He said they did more damage to the ECONOMY than the Ira
I can think of lots of similar truisms.

Dublin Bus has done more damage to our streets than the IRA
ESB has caused more pollution than the IRA
Bertie Aherne has caused more damage full stop than the IRA
Bankers have caused more damage to our economy than the Nazis

In any case, we know what we do with the IRA, we bust a gut to get them big jobs in another jurisdiction.:(
In fairness, I hadn't seen much about Leo in the papers for a couple of weeks or so, he was probably having withdrawal systems.

I'm sure the families of those who lost loved ones to the Provos, in particuler those of the disappeared who haven't been even been able to have a funeral, really appreciate what he said.
How much economic damage did the IRA do to the Republic of Ireland? I'd say it was not that much, so in that respect Leo is right.

The bankers have put the nation into debt which will be felt for a generation. The IRA did not do that, economically of course.

The cost of patrolling the border in the mid-80's was £250 million per year, when the country could ill afford it.

And that is just one associated cost ...
Breaking news: Leo Varadkar has just been injured by a small shrub.

The IRA, say they planted it.....
