My husband and I are buying our first home and now in the process of getting a mortage to fund it. Both my husband and I have advanced degrees and professional jobs, and both of us plan to work until retirement age. There is 15 years age difference between my husband and I - he will reach 65 in 21 years, and I will be 65 in 36 years. Much to my surprise, all of the banks we've called thus far are making the assumption that BOTH of us will no longer be working 21-25 years from now and refuse to give us mortgages for more than 21 or 25 years (depending on the bank). While all the banks are willing to loan us double the amount we actually need (based on both our incomes), they expect us to pay it off in almost half the time of a younger couple so our monthly payments are impossibly high for a relatively small mortgage!
This bank policy seems unfair to me. Why do they assume I will stop working when my husband stops even though I will only be 51-56 and possibly in the prime of my career (lecturing in university)? More importantly, do any of you know of banks that don't base the duration of their mortgage on the age of the oldest applicant?? Is there anyway around this silly rule?? While I understand it's probably in our best interest to pay off our loan as soon as possible, I would like to keep the monthly payments affordable based on one income should one of us decide to go part time for a few years while we are raising small children. We plan to make extra payments as long as both of us are working to get the mortgage paid off early.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
This bank policy seems unfair to me. Why do they assume I will stop working when my husband stops even though I will only be 51-56 and possibly in the prime of my career (lecturing in university)? More importantly, do any of you know of banks that don't base the duration of their mortgage on the age of the oldest applicant?? Is there anyway around this silly rule?? While I understand it's probably in our best interest to pay off our loan as soon as possible, I would like to keep the monthly payments affordable based on one income should one of us decide to go part time for a few years while we are raising small children. We plan to make extra payments as long as both of us are working to get the mortgage paid off early.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!