Length of entitlement to jobseekers benefit



I have been on job seekers benefit since April 2009. I have received a letter from social welfare saying I have exhausted this entitlement as I had previously been on JB in February 2008.
I was on JB for 3 months full time when I got a part time job. I was claiming part time for another 3 months. I claimed for 112 days in total. I then returned to work full time for another 14 weeks before going on maternity leave. On maternity leave my employer was topping up my wages so I have put up 34 A class stamps in 2008 from this employment and a further 16 in 2009 before being made redundant.
I also had 5 A class stamps in 2008 from a previous employment. This means I have put up 50 A class stamps since my original JB claim. I am wondering if my new claim to JB in 2009 should be considered as day 1 as opposed to being considered day 113.