Lender no longer taking new business?


Registered User
Heard a rumour about a lender no longer taking new business as of today. Anyone know who this applies too?
People looking for new loans off this lender!..........sorry couldn't resist.
I know there is a certain sub-prime lender not doing new business at the moment but is not publically admitting it. I am not going to name it though. Haven't heard of any of the main players turning away business
Yeah they stopped in the UK but I think a few places have stopped over there because they can't handle the business volumes as people try and get the good deals before it gets more expensive to borrow. I think I read somewhere that Bank Of Ireland even stopped taking new business or had to raise rates over there.
Yeah they stopped in the UK but I think a few places have stopped over there because they can't handle the business volumes as people try and get the good deals before it gets more expensive to borrow. I think I read somewhere that Bank Of Ireland even stopped taking new business or had to raise rates over there.


That sure is one intepretation.

The other one is that banks in the UK are desparately trying to consolidate their balance sheets, particularly as they watch the security (house prices) fall, their cost of funding rise dramaticaly and their sources of funding dry up.

That sure is one intepretation.

The other one is that banks in the UK are desparately trying to consolidate their balance sheets, particularly as they watch the security (house prices) fall, their cost of funding rise dramaticaly and their sources of funding dry up.

There is that as well of course. You won't get them to publically admit it though!!
But not you, because you said some banks are being swapmed by demand in a booming property market.

Do you have pom-poms???

Where did he say anything about a booming property market Camry? I suggest you re-read his post and consult a dictionary if in doubt! Maybe you should spend more time understanding a post before jumping down someone's throat!