I was in a very good job in the financial sector for 8 years. I moved to another company 7 weeks ago. I am om 6 months probation. Its good job etc. I was told on Monday that my whole division is now being disbanded. At my interview I specifically mentioned that there was always an underlying threat of people losing their job swhere I was and that I wanted to move to a more secure company. I asked about their commitment in Ireland. I was told it was absolutely secure etc etc . Im now in a situation 8 weeks later with absolutely nothingand I have a finish date only 3 weeks from now.
Do I have any legal comeback here at all. Im thinking I probably dont but maybe someone else has been in a similar situation before
I think you'd only have a case if you could prove that the interviewer had specific knowledge that the job you were interviewing for was under threat.
And not much of a case even then, probably - it's not like the interviewer can give out priviledged information...
I didn't think so. I'm more annoyed than anything else at this stage. I would gave thought these decisions would at least be in the pipeline months in advance, and my position would have been signed off at a high enough level. I just don't believe that somebody didn't have some prior knowledge. But it is what it is, and there nothing I can do about it. Thanks