My mother bought my grandparent's land after my grandfather died a few years ago. My grandfather was a builder and built a workshop on the land in the early 80's. I presume he didn't seek planning permission for it but don't know if that is even required considering its size (single storey,small - not sure of dimensions)
I quite like this structure and I could imagine turning into a living space. Possible options would be to rent it off my mother or buy this portion of land off her. I mentioned it to her recently and she is open to possiblities. I would prefer to buy it as quite a bit of money would be needed to make it liveable
My questions are
a)what is the legal status of this structure. A friend told me that it has been around long enough (> 7 years) to be legal? I don't know what basis he has for that. Can it be bought/sold/rented?
b)if I were to buy it, it would not have direct access the main road. Could I get right of way written into a contract.
Which authority does one consult on these matters - the local counsil?
Thanks for any replies.
I quite like this structure and I could imagine turning into a living space. Possible options would be to rent it off my mother or buy this portion of land off her. I mentioned it to her recently and she is open to possiblities. I would prefer to buy it as quite a bit of money would be needed to make it liveable
My questions are
a)what is the legal status of this structure. A friend told me that it has been around long enough (> 7 years) to be legal? I don't know what basis he has for that. Can it be bought/sold/rented?
b)if I were to buy it, it would not have direct access the main road. Could I get right of way written into a contract.
Which authority does one consult on these matters - the local counsil?
Thanks for any replies.