Legal Separation



I have been going through proceedings for a legal separation with my ex husband, we have 2 children. I am in receipt of social welfare benefit and have been approved for free legal aid. My problem is my previous solicitor will not release my files to Legal Aid as I have not fully paid his fee, which I am not in a position to do so. There are monies being held in Circuit Court until our separation. There has been no settlement to date in relation to our two children either, no maintenance agreed, no access etc... (ex has not even applied for access to children, they have not seen their Dad in 6 months) Legal Aid say they cannot proceed without the files, so I am in a catch 22 situation .... the whole situation has really taken a toll on my health. I don't know what to do?
Don't panic. Ask your former solicitor and\or your new solicitor to come up with some constructive solution(s). For example, can an application be made to the court for a release of some of the funds held to pay your legal fees to date? Can your former solicitor accept an undertaking from your new solicitor to pay your fees from your share of this money (once determined by the court)? Can you make a payment on account to your former solicitor and will this be enough to satisfy him\her that you intend to pay the fees?