Legal query if doing Buyer Beware program, solar panels


Registered User
hi all, I hope I have this in the correct thread, please be patient if not.

We have had an ongoing problem with our solar panels for a couple of years. We ended up in court and was awarded 2000 euros damages, but obviously still out of pocket.

I got a phone call from a guy in RTE researching for a program Buyer Beware on issues with renewable energy. He was asking if I would be interested in doing a slot/couple of minutes on a program in the forthcoming series. He got my name from a letter I sent to the relevant governmental authorities which I cc'd when writing to the supplier when writing him.

My query is: when a settlement has been agreed in court, am I opening myself to potential litigation from the solar installer?
Are there anythings i would need to be aware of IF I was to go ahead and get involved in the program?

Thanks a heap, optimistic
Like Complainer, I wonder why the Government agency released that information.

Unless there was a confidentiality agreement, you are legally entitled to give the interview. However be careful that you do not slander the supplier. You should ask to see a recording of your interview before it goes out.
RTE are ultra careful. The interview will be recorded and if you say anything defamatory, it will not be shown.

If the court awarded you €2,000 it is a matter of public record and you can discuss it quite openly.
