Legal obligations of employers where third parties are involved


Registered User
I work for a company who outsources the payment of wages to a third party.

There have been numerous mistakes, issues and problems I have had with my wages, ranging from underpayments to overpayments to non payment of tax/income levy, etc.

Both I and my employer are having difficulty in resolving these issues, essentially being ignored, or mistakes being amended by larger mistakes.

Can anyone shed some light on what the legal obligations are of this payroll company to me as an employee? This is incredibly frustrating and seemingly impossible to get concrete information on.

My employer is frustrated with this so it is something I am trying to figure out and chase up myself.

Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to help!
The first thing is that the employer has a contract either orally or in writing with the outsourcing company. Thats the start and examining the contract would be the starting position.

You can wade in if you like, but it sounds to me like the employer is actually ignoring this, and your problem starts there.
Thanks for your reply WizarDr.

The employer has promised they are chasing it up, but it appears to me like they are not as interested in demanding a prompt resolution as I am.

My problems are further compounded by the fact that I no longer work at that employer and so think it may be beneficial to chase up with the payroll company myself. They are literally ignoring all questions by phone, mail and email.

I presume they dont have a contractual obligation to me and only do to my ex employer, but surely employment law around wages would be an area where there is a direct moral/ethical/legal obligation to me, despite there being no contractual obligation.