Legal jargon



I received a letter from a third party insurance company offering me the price of my bike only. I presume that the statement below disallows me to claim for other expenses (medical, helmet etc). Is there a standard reply that I can use to look for damages for bike and gear and leave myself open to claim for medical in the future, as I am still receiving treatment.

“I hereby agree to accept the sum of x..;in full discharge and satisfaction of all injury and loss or damage to my property, whether now or in the future resulting from the accident”


It would be advisable to have a solicitor reply for you as the wrong wording might predjudice any future claim. Their wording would appear to preclude any future claim for injury and as you are receiving treatment for an injury I would not think it advisable to sign their statement.

Any reply would probably need to include a statement to the effect that you are accepting the sum of x as an interim partial payment (in discharge of the cost of the bike only) and that you reserve the right to make a further claim for injuries and any additional costs. A solicitor will know the exact wording to use.

Be aware however that they may withdraw this offer if you do not accept on their terms (i.e. in full discharge) and you may have to wait longer for the money for your bike.
in the current climate, I feel that you could simply write back and say that you are acepting the amount in satisfaction of the bike claim only and that you have a claim pending for other items, then go on to list them, including injury if applicable.