Legal fees for transfer of land?


Registered User
Hi All,

How much would I typically be expected to pay to transfer land from my Dad to myself? There are 3 folio numbers involved. Is there a way in which I can do most of the work myself and save money?

thanks in advance,
Just do it yourself.

How hard can it be to organise independent legal advice for your father, check the folios, check the maps, prepare the transfers and the statutory declarations, deal with CGT and CAT, file everything in the Property Registration Authority and deal with any queries that arise?

You'd save yourself a fortune. At least €1500 plus VAT


Thanks mf1 for that. How do I prepare the transfers and statutory declarations? Can I get forms etc from somewhere?

I am transfering part of the family farm to my name from my dad, so as to take advantage of the low valuation and high threshold (414000?) . The remainder will be transfered in a will. My dad being of pension age is exempt from Capital Gains Tax I think. Are we making a wise move? Somebody said recently that I will be leaving myself open to a large C.G.T. bill in the future by doing it now??
