Legal Cost of getting my name on the mortgage


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Hi All,
My husband bought our site and the house was built when we were going out and it's currently his name on the mortgage. We have paid two years off now. We contacted our solicitor last September to get both names on the mortgage now and are still waiting! Does anyone know if this will be expensive? We didn't ask for a price at the time. Kind Regards, Ali
Are the title deeds being transferred into joint names and or is the mortgage being transferred into joint names? If the mortgage is being transferred into joint names I presume you have contacted the lenders to authorise this or have given your solicitor written authorisation to forward to the lender to do this on your behalf and the lenders have agreed?

Title transfer will cost you more and the price is dependent on the price quoted by your solicitor. It is not unusual re the timeframe as registration of title deeds can take up to two years or more. However you should contact your solicitor for an update. You are, after all, paying him/her.
Thanks for your assistance. I'm getting my name on the mortgage and also on the deeds. The solicitor did say that it would take some time.