Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

It is my understanding that Anyone with an LLB, (well almost every LLB), can sit the New York Bar exams, and then apply to the Irish law society here to be recognised, and do not then have to do the traineeship,
Hope this helps

Yes, that is sort of true but you still have to sit conversion exams to be admitted to the roll of solicitors in Ireland. You can work as an in-house lawyer in Ireland without being a member of the law society though.
hey everyone! any one had an AC group interview, and willing to pass on a few tips?? im getting more worried bout it by the day...dnt have much idea wat kinda topics to expect.
I did this approx 18 years ago - i can't believe they're still doing them. Not much help seeing as i didn't get through but based on the people i know who did their demeanour would be confident but not overly assertive or pushy. Try to get your spake in but do not overpower - much easier said than done. I recall that they threw out general discussion topics as well as general legal issues. Good luck!
Have my AC interview tomorrow as well. From the few lads I've talked to these first group interviews are more a case of deselecting yourself rather than selecting yourself. Its a way of removing the very nervous, mumblers, wafflers or whatever.
If you're confident, can talk reasonably well and presentable then you should be ok.

Best of luck.
Hi, could anyone tell me what type of work a legal executive does. is it similar to legal secretary. would it be a good idea to work as a legal exec for a financial institution to gain some experience or would i be better off looking for work in a solicitors office.
I worked as a legal exec in a bank for about 18 months before I got my apprenticeship as a temp and I think that is the only reason that I got my traineeship. I did a lot of registration work etc and that is what they were looking for her. It def helped and I gained a lot more experience than in a solicitors office as a lot of the time you are just there to photocopy etc if they think you are looking for a traineeship! Good luck.
Hi all,

Any advice given so so much appreciated!!
I am a law grad, decent enough grades but not top of class in any way, fin last sept, and since then worked in a Bank (legal dept) for 6 months, done a bit of temp work and now workin part time in a solicitor firm (cant get apprenticeship there)
I have passed four fe1's and await next four results.
I applied to a few of the bigger firms there with rejection from AC.
I have no cntacts at all.
Should i wait until results come out ( due 2nd wk of dec)to send off cv's to the smaller firms or will that be too near xmas to rate on their list of things to do?
I remember someone said the apprenticeship thing is soul destroying.. it really really is.
hi. got my first interview with solicitor firm next week and just wondering about appearance. hairis 2 to 3 inches long and locks are coming down to base of ears. would this be frowned upon. any advice much appreciated
hi. got my first interview with solicitor firm next week and just wondering about appearance. hairis 2 to 3 inches long and locks are coming down to base of ears. would this be frowned upon. any advice much appreciated

Just look presentable. Wear a suit and have your hair neat, not the scruffy surfer look. If that means you need a chop go for it.

As a guy my hair is pretty long, past my eyes and over my ears. In an interview situation I would gel it back off my forehead and over my ears. Still long but quite neat looking. Didn't seem to bother A Cox as I've a second interview for them. Altough your hair might not be long enough for this.

Won't be able to make their play thing though, hopefully that won't notice.
Hi Yvo,

It is certainly very difficult for many people to get an apprenticeship at the moment, but don't get disheartened. Having experience in the legal department of a bank will certainly stand to you, particularly with the bigger firms. Equally, working with a law firm will do you no harm, as it will demonstrate that you have an understanding of the realities of work as a solicitor, and a commitment to a career in the profession. Also, having FE1s will undoubtedly be a boost to your candidacy. A few years ago, it was the norm for people to be taken on without having any FE1s done, but this may have changed given that more and more people are applying.

I hope you get an apprenticeship this time around, but if you don't, there are several things you can do to enhance your attractiveness to the bigger firms for the next time. There are so many applications being made to these firms that it really is important to try and make yourself stand out from the crowd. For instance, writing an article for a legal journal is a good way to demonstrate aptitude and legal writing skills. Also, have you considered sitting the New York Bar exam? Everyone I know who has it was snapped up by Irish firms without any problems, because it adds an international dimension to your c.v. Alternatively, a diploma in employment law or the like could also help. I would also get involved in some sporting or other group activity as many law firms like to see that.

Anyway, hope that helps and all the best.
Re. interviews, has anyone heard from MOPs yet?, I got a letter acknowledging my application in late October but have heard nothing since which is a bit strange seeing as interviews were due to be in early January.
Yea,they told me to get lost .Got the letter onMonday.That's all the Big 5 now....
hey just wondering if anybody has heard anything from Maples and Calder or Hayes solicitors, applied to both of them in november and havnt heard anything back from them yet....
I've got an interview with Maples and Calder early in the new year. They contacted me by phone on Thursday. Haven't heard from Hayes. Anyone have an experience of interview or work with Maples and Calder?
MOP's, William Fry, Arthur Cox, McCann Fitzgerald, A&L Goodbody.

I would think that Fry's place at the top table must be under threat from a few of the larger medium sized firms.
MOP's, William Fry, Arthur Cox, McCann Fitzgerald, A&L Goodbody.

I would think that Fry's place at the top table must be under threat from a few of the larger medium sized firms.

Are they the Big 5 because of turnover or reputation or what? Who are the pretenders to the throne?
Are they the Big 5 because of turnover or reputation or what? Who are the pretenders to the throne?

Size I think.

O'Donnell Sweeney Eversheds, Eugene F Collins, Mason Hayes and Curran, BCM Hanby Wallace are among those in the next tier
Mason hayes curran, BCM Hanby Wallace, Dillon Eustace, Shields, Ronan Daly Jermyn I would assume.