Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Just put in honours arts... some actually do check. The bigger firms tend to have a 2.1 minimum.
just about to start sending off my applications to the bigger firms. I'm only applying to about 10/11 places i.e the places with information about trainees on their website. Are pople literally just sending CVs anywhere?

I've a high 2.1 from UCD law and a 1.1 from TCD LLM which I've just finished up. I've passed 4 FE1s and waiting on the results of another 3 (which I expect to pass).
I've been working part time for a year and a half in a bank which means I don't have much time for team sports or major extra curricular activities, though I obviously have past times and interests. I hope this doesn't reflect badly. I also don't have any experience working in a legal firm either, I always spend my summers working to earn money for college.

Hopefully I won't get a rake of PFOs.

p.s this is possibly the most depressing thread I've ever read
I'd advise applying to more firms than that. I only applied to 7 or 8 and then lost a year to AIB (that i can never get back!*) before securing a position through a contact.

*Mind you I still get free banking 10 years later
I have sent off all my applications for apprenticeships, about 150 of them, and have received pfos for almost all of them (bar the top ten firms) already. I did have an interview last month for a small firm in my home town, which I obtained through a contact. It went well and they said the would contact me late december. Id say I have a reasonable chance.
However Ive recently done an interview for a legal research position which is for a years contract and which is not only well paid but something I would enjoy doing.
If apprenticeships only start after the PPC1 then Im ok, as even if I get one I wouldnt start straight away. But it seems that isnt a hard and fast rule and that firms can ask you to start at any stage.
I dont want to pass up a good opportunity and then not get any apprenticeship in this round anyway.
Does anyone know - when would a firm want someone to start? Would ringing the firm and asking them be a bad idea?
Has anyone reading this actually passed by the FE1’s based just on their own study of the books on the recommended reading list, without aid of a grinds course or law degree?
How can I go about qualifying as a solicitor without going down the universtiy route?
Hey...I have just stumbled across this website today and its really freaking me out!!!I knew it would be hard to secure an apprenticeship but i never realised it would be this bad! "soul destroying" even?! I have a 2:1 honours degree in commerce and spanish from ucc, i worked in a bank for the summer and am currently doing work experience in a solicitors.i am starting the fe1 course in griffith in a weeks time.Is it too early to start applying for apprenticeships for next year or is it pointless applying without the fe1s passed??help!

Hi, and welcome onboard, both to the forum and to the search for an apprenticeship! It's probably never too early to get your CV out there, and also if you do get a lot of PFOs it will prepare you for the slog. Check out this too:
tanx already beginning to think iv made a mistake!o well....soldier on i spose!!
Maples and Calder are currently recruiting trainees if anyone is interested in applying. Check out their website
Hi. Just wondering what sort of work a trainee does? Is it a case of trying to pass the day without dying of boredom or is it in anyway interesting?
got called for a group interview for Arthur Cox nxt wk...not too sure wat to expect...any tips anyone??

Hi. Just wondering what sort of work a trainee does? Is it a case of trying to pass the day without dying of boredom or is it in anyway interesting?

Depends on the firm you are with, you would usually be busy for starters, whether it is interesting or not is another question altogether!

Ms Legal, make your presence felt, don't talk for the sake of it but don't be silent either.
Thanks Stifster. i just afraid that I won't get the opportunity to come across exactly how I want to..if ya know wat i mean!!! nervous aready..eek!
Thanks Stifster. i just afraid that I won't get the opportunity to come across exactly how I want to..if ya know wat i mean!!! nervous aready..eek! you get any ideas of type of discussion topics?
I did a six month stint in there after the first stint in Blackhall, went from a three solicitor practice in Dublin 11 to, well, a completely different world in Dublin 2. Enjoyed the time.

Is that the stage after sending in your V or have you already had an interview? At this stage I would say that on paper you are good enough. There is a alot of team work so it may well be about the interaction, seeing who listens vs who hears etc
What's the story with this group interview with AC...suit job or what?
It is my understanding that Anyone with an LLB, (well almost every LLB), can sit the New York Bar exams, and then apply to the Irish law society here to be recognised, and do not then have to do the traineeship,
Hope this helps