Lefthand Drive Car Problem


Registered User
I have a left hand drive car, and it's generally no problem to drive in Ireland (in some ways, it's kinda' easier....)

However, there's the one problem I have with driving the car around Dublin: it's very difficult to enter and exit car parks that require tickets. I can reach over the other seat and stick my hand through the righthand window, but I'm looking for something more ingenious.

Does anyone know of any device (to buy or improvised) that can help?

(P.S. No problem with toll booths on the M50, East Link Bridge etc. as I have the easypass thing).

All ideas welcome!
As I assume the market value for a left hand drive car must be substantially less than a comparable right-hand drive car, the VRT charged on such a car has to be much less than the VRT on a right-hand drive one? Is this the case?
There are items for elderly/disabled people to allow them to pick up things without bending down. Maybe check these out.

There is one apartment block in Milltown which you'll find very easy to enter, as the keypad for drivers is on the left side of the driveway, for some strange reason.

Isn't it very hard to overtake in a LHD?
There are items for elderly/disabled people to allow them to pick up things without bending down. Maybe check these out.in a LHD

Good idea, I'll see what's available.

Is it hard to overtake in an LHD car? Not really, but that may be because:

a) I have no choice but to get used to it since my car is LHD; and/or

b) I learned to drive on the "wrong" (i.e., other) side of the road.

I've driven both RHD and LHD cars in Ireland, and for some reason, I find driving much easier on the left, especially in roundabouts and for turning.

A few downsides for LHD cars here, mainly affecting passengers, is that the passenger, rather than the driver, has to get out into traffic when leaving the car. Also, for some reason, a few passengers are terrified sitting in the right hand side because they have the feeling that the oncoming traffic is coming right at them (I think this is especially exacerbated on narrow roads).

In terms of the cost of motor insurance for an LHD, I was told by the insurance co. that it made no difference as to whether the car was LHD or RHD. Don't know about the taxes (car was exempt).

Happy New Year to all!
What Kind of car is it out of Interest?​
Maybe you could use the stick that street cleaners use, you know the one that allows them to pick up litter without bending down.

As a fellow LHD driver I must say that I've never had a big issue with car park tickets.
I had this problem.. the only suggestion if you have kids in the back is for them to reach! Drive with a spouse in the front!
Finally just annoy people & reach over...