LED TV's use a lot less elec...


Registered User
Just reading a Harvey Norman flyer where they show some numbers on the cost of running TV's

2007 42" plasma : euro186 pa [7 hrs a day ]
2011 42" LED.......euro 36 pa
I heard that advert on the radio this am. Amazing how quickly we are becoming energy conscious. Are TV's and the like energy rated?
I heard that advert on the radio this am. Amazing how quickly we are becoming energy conscious. Are TV's and the like energy rated?

White goods are but I do not think Tv's, if for no other reason that if they were the flyer I have would contain the rating. The flyer uses the Red to green graph that goes with the proper rating but the x axis is energy cost and there are no letters A to Z
You can check any Tvs average usage. I just checked a 42" plasma on esb calculator and used an average of TV on 8 hours a day 365 days a year and the cost for a 2011 model and on standby for 140 hours a week and the total cost for the year was €74.
Plasma TVs have come along way since 2007.
Amazing to see how it all tots up all the same.

It makes the case for having a master plug switch for areas of the house instead of leaving things plugged in.
What's the cost of LCD vs Plasma?

Plasma uses energy differently, for instance when a dark image eg. a night sky is on screen then it uses very little because it simply doesn't send colour to that area of the screen, whereas an led/lcd is always lit so they have a constant source of energy. The difference between the three over a year is negligable at this stage, as plasmas have had to take this side of things seriously to continue to compete.
If you want a more efficient TV, buy an LED, but you might have to keep it for 10/15 years before it saves you any money in the overall transaction.