Leaving Cert, 'Mark on the curve' and journos



Morning Ireland outdid themselves this morning in the "ill prepared stakes".

At 7:30, first up, they had a Science Teacher explaining that the results for science and maths were really quite good. He was dogged, harried and harangued for nearly 5 minutes. When he made a suggestion that perhaps some subjects could be marked easier he was accused of trying to manipulate the system. The interviewer handnt a clue, was not prepared and tried to cover up his own ineptitude by attaking an obviously nervous guest.

Contrast that with the treatment a few minutes later on pre recorded interview with Ed Walsh the powerfull and impressive former head of UL. When he made a suggestion that subjects be 'marked on the curve' it was accepted without question. This was almost the same suggestion which drew derision and calls of manipulation a few minutes earlier when it came from a lowly science teacher.

On a broader note I suspect that most journos are do not understand mathematics, science or technology. The concept of 'marking on the curve' is a fairly simple mathematical one, one which obviously the journos just dont get.

and while we're at it

Hi ajapale,

>On a broader note I suspect that most journos are do >not understand mathematics, science or technology.

Agreed. And on a bad day, I'm not sure if they fully understand English either!

Frankly, journalism is an occupation I really don't have much time for (albeit with a few honourable exceptions).

