Leaving Cert - English Paper changed to Saturday

The supervisors are teachers, just from different schools.

So if you teach in Naas, you might supervise in Dundrum, etc.

My point is that these teachers are being paid an additional €117 plus expenses when they are already being paid a teachers salary (assuming they are in permanent positions). I don't agree that they should be paid extra for carrying out duties that I would see as being directly related to their job.
The supervisors are teachers, just from different schools.

So if you teach in Naas, you might supervise in Dundrum, etc.

If this is the case, is it these teachers who are getting paid as DeeFox said?? on top of their regular salary?

it is being said that the exam supervisors (of which there is approximately 2000) will earn €117 per day plus expenses for food and mileage.
Yes, thousands of secondary teachers either supervise or mark the State exams each year.

I assume this is common knowledge.

I'm not 100% sure of the daily rate, but 117 wouldn't be far off.

They also get mileage and subsistence at normal public service rates.

In many cases 2, 3 or even 4 might travel in the same car, but make 4 claims!!!!!

I've heard stories of them discussing is it 40km or 42km to the school. They would discuss the 2km worth of expenses.

Cop onto yourself! It's easy to be judgemental and make sweeping statements about people not deserving high marks.

But the fact is that many students are in a highly emotional and stressed state during the leaving cert, due in part to the hype surrounding the exams and the pressure put on them by parents with unreallistic expectations.

So give the kids a break! Maybe you could have handled it, but it doesn't give you the right to pass judgement on others for whom this could be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Did I hear this correctly today - that even with the exam going ahead on Saturday, that the Jewish community do not need to sit it due to Sabbath - therefore they get to sit it on Sunday........and that it will be same paper that is being handed out on Saturday!
Heard they were going to be under house arrest with no internet, phone access etc. Not sure how this is going to be policed though.

I remember when I was doing my mocks getting phone calls from cousins, friends of cousins, friends of friends, cousins of friends etc etc all over the country in the vain hope our papers would be the same as they were about to sit in order to get tips. And that was pre-internet.
Vanilla said:
Heard they were going to be under house arrest with no internet, phone access etc. Not sure how this is going to be policed though.

[broken link removed]

Jewish Representative Council of Ireland spokesman Carl Nelkin, said
“They will remain in quarantine under supervision in an Orthodox household in Dublin.

“fewer than 10” Jewish students will take the examination this Sunday morning instead ... “It’ll be a typical Sabbath day which means, among other things, that they won’t have access to TV, internet, mobile phones or any other electronic media,” he said. “While words like quarantine might sound harsh, this will be a typical Sabbath environment, which is very enjoyable.”

Good luck to all leaving certs doing english paper later this morning-

I hope the people who drew up alternatively paper picked the same topics as orginal paper- touch wood.
Am I the only one who feels a bit sorry for the person who made the mistake by giving out the wrong paper?

The guy tried to cover his ass by not telling anyone. That's not very admirable behaviour. He deserved his suspension.
I know we all make mistakes, but this was the very first exam of the entire process. You would imagine the supervisors would be extremely alert and careful at this stage. If it had happened towards the end of the exams you might be able to put it down to tiredness, familiarity breeding carelessnes whatever. I don't really think there's much excuse to be honest. If you take on the responsibility of supervising then surely checking you've opened the right exam paper is a very basic thing to do.
The person was named in one of to-days papers as a retired teacher with an extremely good past record.

From what I see he bascially tried to cover it up himself- Per news paper a inspector called at school that morning as well and was never informed by him and I dont think he told principal either.

The individual has a lot to anwser for, between cost and no one can really estimate what damage this has done as for a student the worry could spread from this incident to the rest of the persons exams.

Off the point, when the results could out, I wonder will some parents consider legal action in regard to this, (people have taken legal action for a lot less) such as hair colour, uniform etc
I see one of the Red Tops decided to publish a photo of this man (like their usual name and shame campaigns)

I think that is disgraceful - he made a mistake, big deal, no one died.

Whilst I feel sorry for the students having their timetables botched up etc- it is going to be one of those stories in years to come "when I did my leaving, we had to sit the paper on a saturday" and not much more than that.
They shouldn't have published his details.

However, he didn't just make a mistake, he deiberately tried to cover it up and ended up costing the taxpayer an estimated million euro.
They shouldn't have published his details.

However, he didn't just make a mistake, he deiberately tried to cover it up and ended up costing the taxpayer an estimated million euro.

I'm sorry but if he would have come forward immediatly saying that he made a mistake they could have done something there and than. In that case, everybody would have been "gee.. these teachers.." but nothing major would have happend.

But instead he went ahead and tried to cover it up, ending up costing us millions of Euro (we could spend on more usefull stuff).

The press is right in naming and shaming him, in fact, the state should go after him for this behavior. His inability to owe up to the problem he created is shamefull and for sure must also have broken some law.

It's not that mistake that is outrages, it's the attempted cover up.

He made a mistake by handing out the wrong paper - he had them taken back within a minute. The students then got the right one and got stuck straight into it. I heard one student on Joe Duffy say she was in the class and that she and those around her didn't see it at all - she reckoned it must have been a few down the back who had it for marginally longer than she did. This man genuinely probably didn't think any real harm had been done. He should have informed the inspector but hindsight is 20/20. I think it is completely wrong of the media to name and picture him - what good does that achieve?
+1. Well said, I agree that exam time is a stressful time for students BUT it was a mistake and as another poster said earlier-'nobody died'. Let's keep a sense of perspective here. What might have any of us done under the circumstances? I have read a couple of letters in the papers from what I would describe as 'self righteous' students. Let's hope that this is the worst that ever happens to any of them.