Leaving Cert 2010 Mistakes


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Not really taken much notice of leaving cert and junior cert exams but yesterday a number of exams papers approx 200 were missing three to four pages in accounting exam. Also i think in junior cert accounting last week a number of wrong dates and figures.

The shocking them is that i more than assumed these papers are proof read but it came out that no examiner actual did the paper in mock exam to se it ok

Saying sorry in for few page missing them is not good enough

I wonder what goes on that we do not hear about.

Will anyone/number of people/organisation be held accountable.

I assume they are getting enough money to make sure that most important exam in second level has a least a full exam paper
Will anyone/number of people/organisation be held accountable.

No, of course not, because this is the civil service. I am not trying to turn this into an argument about the public sector and the private sector. The fact is there will be a lot of hand wringing, and tut tutting, and probably a set of procedures to ensure it does not happen again.

Nobody will lose their job.

I think it is at the stage now where sacking's will have to become common in society in both public and private sector's for mistakes like this.

The whole second level education is aimed towards these 3 weeks of exams- Their is not that many papers to check that everything is right.

In regard to procedures I would assume that they had but it looks like they have not.

Maybe it is time to put exams weeks preparation into hands of a private company so someone is accountable for it

Ps- Off topic but linked- Seemed on News to-night 22billion into anglo, say now it is gone, wont get back- Beyond belief, Day one they should have shut anglo
It is terrible for the students concerned but I think the leaving cert mistake was a printing one and not a proof reading one - I don't think each sealed bundle could/should be checked for security reasons - so I don't think the examiners could be held to blame for that one. But the printers involved shouldn't be used again.
But the junior cert business exam mistakes where the numbers didn't add up and the balance sheet couldn't be balanced is an absolute shocker and there should be some sanctions for that. So unfair to the students who picked that question to do - they would have spent so much extra time trying to figure out where 'they' were going wrong - it would have left them less time for their other questions while those who didn't pick the bad question would have had their normal time. Heads should roll - but they won't...

I just presumed this was part of the Irish System for training accountants, missing paperwork, some key questions missing and unanswered. We now have the perfect auditors to toe the line with the banks.
But the printers involved shouldn't be used again

+1 orka. They should never be considered again. I must also give credit to the teacher who dealt with the issue in an intelligent proactive manner.

I would also be more annoyed about the accounting question not balancing. A student could waste a great deal of time re-checking their figures. Very unfair. I would hope the person(s) involved would be severely reprimanded.

And don't even get me started on the cheating...

Wrong. Glad to put a lazy 'public servant bashing' rant to the sword. For example, a superintendent failing in their duties can be instantly sacked from their post.
One further point, to the best of my knowledge, the Junior and Leaving Cert papers have been printed abroad for the past number of years, false economy I guess.
Yes, the exams papers haven't been printed in Ireland for a long time now, they were printed in England in 1999 and maybe even further back before then.

That's the EU tendering process I suppose, any company can apply and if somebody can do a better job at a good price they can try too.