I am leaving a senior position in a company that carried out many projects - should I delete my work emails? Or should I leave them there for the incoming person. There would not be anything personal in these emails, but still I feel it is very voyeuristic to leave them there.....
As they are part of your work for that company, then surely you should leave them as they may be needed? Imo whatver is contained within has been work paid for by the company.
Any time I've changed jobs, I've always left work emails in situ (I delete any personal emails including any private internal emails with e.g. personel dept etc.) and give someone the password for the email account. Dont see any issue with people reading them as they are work related.
Find out if the company has an archiving or retention policy. If it's not personal stuff, I wouldn't be inclined to delete it. Somebody else in the organisation already has a copy of the email, so it's not like they have state secrets in them. It's just work.