Leather Sofa Insurance


Registered User
Hi all,
A friend of mine has just bought a leather sofa from 'Land of Leather' for 2,200 euro. He has been advised to take out 'Ultimate Care Cover' which is costing an additional 500euro for 5 years of cover. The sofa is leather on the frame with large fabric cushions. I am unsure if the cushion covers are machine washable.
My question is- This additional cover is for any spillages or damages to the leather. Would this not be covered under general house insurance? Is this 'extra cover' a bit of a rip off or worth taking out??
Re: Leather Sofa Insurance!!

€500 sounds like a real rip off to me and God only knows what they will actually cover if you go to make a claim - see what they put down as "general wear and tear" on their terms and conditions which they won't cover
Re: Leather Sofa Insurance!!

I recently purchased leather furniture and took out 'accidential damage' insurance which the sales person explained was reduced from €300 to €100. God loves a sucker!
My opinion is that it is a rip-off. What are you going to do? Attack your sofa with a knife?
Re: Leather Sofa Insurance!!

€500 sounds like a real rip off to me and God only knows what they will actually cover if you go to make a claim - see what they put down as "general wear and tear" on their terms and conditions which they won't cover
€500 sounds expensive to me. What's covered and what's not should be made clear in the policy terms & conditions.
Ah that old chestnut,

bought a leather sofa from Land of Leather around 6 months ago, turned down the insurance flat and the salesman got VERY narky with me. He said I was a fool and that my sofa would be ruined and there would be nothing I could do about it. (I would've told him where to stick the sofa except I really wanted it!)

It's a rip off, the salesmen make the major part of their commission selling the insurance (rather than the sofas). It's a great money spinner for them.
Total waste of money. Tell your friend to say no to this insurance. Likelihood of anything happening to the sofa that would cost €500+ to repair is very slim.
Is such damage not covered by your home insurance anyway??? (PS I was offered, but refused, this by Reids. The saleslady later told me that they get a significant commision for selling the insurance, more than the commision earned on selling the furniture)
2200 euro is expensive for land Of Leather who mainly sell cheap poorly made Chinese product. Definitely refuse the insurance cover which is a complete rip off and if your friend has not paid the deposit tell him to have a good look around before going back to them. I am sure he will find better quality elsewhere for €2200.

I had exact same experience. After salesman spent ages telling me what great value sofa was etc etc then got very narky at me when I said did not want the insurance. Manager was passing by and he got in on the act. Said that as i was buying a 3 and 2 piece and if one got ruined with the insurance both pieces would be replaced if same model not available. Told him that as the sofas are 'such great value and so afforadable' that if one does get destroyed can dump it, put other one in a different room and buy a new suite! He said nothing to that.
To be honest chances of them getting destroyed slim. Theres going to be general wear and tear on all furniture and they all only have a certain life span anyway these days.,
Insurance total rip off. 500 for one piece of furniture, my house insurance is not even that!
Back in 2005, I bought the insurance for 300 euros off them for a sofa worth 1400!!! I am feeling like right idiot now, but ah well, whats done is done!

According to the sales dude, its good for five years, covers damages done by common accidents like someone spilling something (vine, ink etc), pets chewing or tearing it etc AND - within five years, they would even refill / fluff up / whatever is the correct word - the arms etc if they go flat.. etc. However, once I got the terms and conditions of the insurance (which they didn't give me then and there, I wonder why..!!) it says no cover for 'gradual wear and tear', or if the damage occured 'over a period of time'.

And the pets/kids cover, only if an adult were present in the room when the accident happens! (not sure whats the idea behind this. How will one prove that there was someone there, and didn't realise Boots/Spot/Star was actually chewing on the sofa than his ball/bone..?)