Least painful route to Las Vegas for smoker


Registered User
Hi all,
I know I probably won't get much sympathy from many on this, but I'm planning a trip to Las Vegas and trying to plan the least painful route (as a smoker). I can get a flight to Gatwick followed by a non-stop flight to Las Vegas which takes 11 hours. I can probably manage the 11-hour flight with nicotine tabs. However, my question is, can I escape to smoke in Gatwick (which is a non-smoking airport) if I am in transit from Dublin to Las Vegas? (Or am I trapped in the aiport once I get there). There is 3.5 hours between landing in Gatwick and departing for Las Vegas. Anyone had the same problem?

Please don't say 'give them up' etc. This is serious!

Thanks to anyone sympathetic enough to reply.
I Think youll have to go outsied and then check back in which isnt a problem really in my opinion, especially given you have 3.5 hours. Im pretty sure they don't have a designated smoking area. You could also buy a box of nicorette and chew on these for the duration of the flight and this will ease the craving. Nicorette can be used in sitiuations where smoking is prohibited and you have serious cravings, who knows it might even encourage you to give up.

Have a great holiday otherwise.
I did long haul with my mother (2 packs a day for decades) about 5 years ago. We landed at Newark for a connection and were now facing into a 2 to 3 hour passport check so I went to the ladies and checked if the coast was clear and got my mother to have a cigarette while I kept look out. This is probably not to be recommended but that's what I did.
With 3.5 hrs at Gatwick you've plenty of time to go outside

When you arrive DO NOT follow the flight connections signs ... just follow arrivals out to the public area and then you'll be able to go outside for a smoke ... after you've smoked your fill then return to Depatures and pass back through security to catch your onward flight.

You will likely get the boarding pass for both flights in Dublin .. but this doesn't matter .. you can still ignore "Flight connections" and exit the airport secure area .. the boarding pass you get in Dublin will be fine to let you back into the secure area in Gatwick to catch your Vegas flight.

However rather than do a 1hr flight followed by an 11hr flight why not consider going via New York ... if you did that you'd break the journey in the middle more effectively.
Good news is you can smoke to your hearts content when you get there (no pun intended). I've flown DUB-NY-LAS and DUB-LA-LAS (route now gone). I was unaware you could fly through London but would definitely take that route. When I flew long haul last I was quitting smoking using an e-cigarette and found it fantastic as I could use it (legally) on the plane and it dealt with the cravings 100%. Thankfully I'm now off them altogether almost a year. Enjoy Las Vegas, it’s a great spot.

However rather than do a 1hr flight followed by an 11hr flight why not consider going via New York

The problem I found in New York is you have to collect you own bags and check them into your onward flight which took ages as the place was bedlam at the time. Not sure if this is still the case though.
Thank you all very much. Delighted to hear I can escape for a smoke at Gatwick. Also will look into getting e cigarettes to take with me!

I considered going via Newark, but was afraid of long delays and not being able to smoke there either! The trip is too short (5 nights) to split into staying in New York on the way there and back.

Thanks a million everyone. I feel much more optimistic now.
When i went to vegas last year we left dublin stopped at philly and then on to vegas. We were only meant to have a 2 hour stop over but got very delayed as we had only left dublin 30mins and had to make an emergency landing back at shannon. We were left sitting on the plane for 2 hours because we wern't allowed off. Not very great being a smoker but because of the circumstances it didn't really bother me.

Since you are doing the non stop from gatwick would you not get a few sleeping tablets, thats what i do when i have a long flight.
Thanks Samantha. Sleeping tablets would usually feature in my armoury, along with nicotine substitutes! I was put off the Philly route as it's listed as a completely smoke fee airport. Also, the direct flight appeals to me more because it avoids any delays with connecting flights, and, more importantly, the possibility of being trapped in a transit lounge with no way of smoking! Pathetic, I know, but that's addicts for you.
All airports are smoke free but in philly there's doors everywhere that you can get out of.

The great thing that i found with vegas airport, i've never seen it anywhere else, is that while you are waiting for your luggage you can leave and then come back in again!!!

My mum and me were watching people for a few mins trying to figure it out. We were worried that if we went out we wouldn't be able to get back in again.

Thats always the worst part knowing your so close to being outside and knowing your bag is going to be the last one that comes through.
Go through Atlanta, one of the few airports in the world with a smoking room.
And you also have a greater chance of being bumped on the return. That would net you another free ticket to go with your winnings :)