Leased car company liquidator Appointed - what happens to maintenance agreement

Snork Maiden

Registered User
Hi all,

A liquidator was appointed to a well known motor company in Dublin last week. The company I work for sales team cars are leased from this company. A couple of the cars are due general service/maintenance which is part of the lease agreement. however I can not get hold of anyone from the Motor company to know who will now be providing the service/maint. The Finance Company who the lease is through cannot/will not give me any more info.

Anyone any experience what usually happens in this situation to

1) the Maintenance/Service of the Cars?
2) Will the cars be taken back by the liquidator?

If it is the one I am thinking of in West Dublin - a liquidator has not been formally appointed as yet (it is a provisional liquidator at the moment).

Things will be put on a more formal basis once the Liquidator is officically appointed I cant really see anything moving before then.